- 160 Johnson Ave, Sycamore, IL 60178
Music Ministry
The Chancel Choir at Sycamore United Methodist Church adds a rich musical layer to Sunday Worship, featuring everything from classic hymns and choral anthems to spirituals, gospel, and contemporary praise music. They rehearse every Wednesday night at 7:00 p.m., from September to May, and can provide childcare if requested. The choir also puts on special performances throughout the season and presents a Cantata during Lent and Christmas, complete with a chamber orchestra, praise band, and other instrumental ensembles.
At Sycamore United Methodist Church, our Music Program gets kids and teens to express their faith through singing. We’ve got three children’s choirs that meet every Wednesday evening from 5:30 to 6:00 pm to sing praise and worship songs. These choirs perform once a month in the worship service from September to May, adding a lot of fun with their unique styles. We also have holiday parties and sometimes go sing at retirement homes, depending on time and health guidelines. The Cherub Choir is for kids aged 3-5, the Kid’s Choir is for kindergarteners through 3rd graders, and the Junior Choir is for grades 4-8. Parents are more than welcome to stick around and enjoy the rehearsals!
At SUMC, there are plenty of ways to worship God through music. All year long, soloists and small groups take part in leading the worship services. A mix of instrumental and vocal talents brings an extra special vibe to our worship.
The Handbell choir at Sycamore United Methodist Church rocks a four-octave set of English-style MalMark Handbells and a three-octave Choir Chimes Set. They jam out from September to May on Thursday evenings from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. to get ready to drop their awesome music into the worship services, usually on the second Sunday of each month.
Throughout the year Sycamore United Methodist host solo artists and musical groups of various music genres to create musical experiences for audiences within and beyond the Sycamore area. We offer feature performance opportunities for local musicians as well.
Our Concerts take advantage of the amazing acoustical aspects of our church Sanctuary. We strive to provide performances by highly musicians deliver a wide range of listening experiences.
Our concerts allow audiences to gain familiarity with composers, genres, and instrumental music. We strive to give our audience programs that will encourage a deeper appreciation of the performing arts.