Youth Ministries


Youth Group – Sundays from 6-7:30 PM in the gym, kitchen & and activity room

Youth Group meets weekly on Sunday evenings for a time of faith, friends, and food! Anyone in grades 6-12 is welcome to join us to learn more about the God who loves you just as you are. We’ll have dinner, games and fellowship, and a devotional. Some weeks will include worship, group service opportunities, or other activities that bring us closer to God and each other. Bring your questions, ideas, and a friend! To receive regular updates on Youth programming, please text YOUTH to 815-895-9113.


Confirmation is a yearly program for youth in 8th grade and up to dig deeper into our shared Methodist faith before through classes, field trips, service, and a retreat before publicly declaring their membership in the Body of Christ on Confirmation Sunday in May. These young people spend a year learning what it means to actively participate in the life of the church, in hopes that they will continue to do so throughout their lives. We aim to confirm youth not only to the membership of the church but also to the mission of the church as a whole: to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Not all youth are ready to make this commitment in 8th grade, and that’s okay! We encourage you to talk with your child, as well Miss Becca, about why you want them confirmed, what it means to be confirmed, and if they feel called/ready to take this step at this time. Registration for the class of 2025 will open in September of 2024.

LIFE Missions

We offer a yearly mission trip during the summer for youth who have completed 8th grade up through those who have graduated from high school that spring. More information on this year’s plans will be coming out soon. We hope to also offer a local mission experience for our middle school youth as well. Stay tuned!